Home > School Administrators > Admin Step 3 – Test / Share

Prepare for Survey Administration: Test Survey Link and Share Information  

After obtaining guardian consent, prepare for online administration by performing the actions below at least two weeks before survey administration. 

Who Is Responsible?

Each district will designate a coordinator to manage survey communications  

1. Ask your IT Department to do the following:


  • After whitelisting the domains and IP addresses listed above, please test the survey link on a student device to ensure that the survey question over school demographics is working appropriately. View a short video demonstration about how to test the school demographics question.
  • Use a student device in the environment where the survey will be taken to ensure the URL is accessible. Note: While you may test the survey on any device, we don’t recommend using smartphones due to screen size.
  • You may use any web browser, but Google Chrome is best when using the Google Extension Read Aloud.
View how to test the school demographics question.

3. Customize the teacher letter with your district administration dates and local contact information. The letter is available in Word and Google Docs. When you determine administration timing:  

4. Share the following with proctors who will administer the survey: 

More Info  

Check out the KCTC Technical Assistance presentation recording. Contact the KCTC Team at Greenbush if you have questions: [email protected] or 620-724-6281 ext. 366.

View Technical Assistance recording.

Revised March 2024