Home > School Administrators > Admin Step 1 – Register

Register by Aug. 30

Each year, The KCTC Team at Greenbush emails a one-time use password to the superintendent and primary contact from the previous year.

If your district’s primary contact or superintendent change, please email [email protected] to update communications.

Who Is Responsible?

Your district’s primary contact
(designated by your superintendent)
manages registration 

Registration Instructions

  1. Superintendent approval is required for participation in the Kansas Communities That Care (KCTC) Student Survey. When talking with your superintendent about participation, ask:  
    • Which of the fouroptional modules your district will participate in 
    • When the survey should be administered, perGuardian Consent Guidelines  
    • If any contacts should be copied on survey communications; you’ll be able to add those contacts during registration 
  2. From theSurvey Registration page, enter yourone-time use password and click Next to begin registration. Note:
    • To save your responses, click Save and Continue Later. A new one-time use link will be emailed to you so you may complete the registration form later. 

After You Register  

Once you complete the registration form, you and all contacts listed on the form will be copied on emails sent: 

If you have a KCTC account, you also may view registration details in our portal:

  1. Log into KCTCdata.org.
  2. UnderSelect a Location, chooseView Districts and Buildings, and then select your district.
  3. ClickReports

Revised March 2024