Navigate Results Home Page
KCTC Student Survey results are available here. Below is an overview of the five sections of this page.

- Location: To seepublic data (no login needed):
- SelectView by County/State from the 1st drop-down, and then select the specific county or state results you wish to view from the 2nd drop-down,or
- SelectView by Community Mental Health Centers from the 1st drop-down, and then select the specific center results you wish to view from the 2nd drop-down.
NOTE: School administrators and superintendents wanting to accessconfidential district and/or building data must firstlog into their accounts and then selectView District and Building from the drop-down.
- TheCategory section lets you filter for survey questions by category, including:
- Specific substances used
- Community, Family, Peer/Individual, or School Domain
- Demographics
- Depression/Suicide
- Problem Behaviors
- Social, Emotional, and Character Development
- Learn about KCTC-GeneratedReports, or how tocreate custom reports.
- Summary Views:
- Participation Rates display the percentage of enrolled students who took the survey.
- Risk Factors show key risk data for Community, School, Peer/Individual, and Family Domains.
- Protective Factors show key protective data for Community, School, Peer/Individual, and Family Domains.
- 30-Day Substance Use shows the percent of students who reported use for various substances in the past 30 days.
- Perceived Risk shows the percent of students who reported they think people risk harming themselves by drink alcohol; smoking cigarettes or marijuana; misusing prescription drugs; or using vaping products.
- Survey Questions: The default display for this section is a list of all questions included in the survey. However, results will change, depending on selections made at left. Click on each question to see response options and results, which may then be filtered by region, grade level, and response.
More Info
If you have questions about the survey, contact the KCTC Team at Greenbush at [email protected], or call 620-724-6281 ext. 366.